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Rte 4

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magcrossword | 16:33 Tue 19th Jan 2016 | Crosswords
9 Answers
17d. No easy assignment this (5,4 ) letter- t - - - - ( - t - s - )

27 and 21 a. Charges from one side to another always involve big numbers 8 and 4 letters. - - - - - s - e - ( - - e - )
24d. Multiple choice: true. 5 letters - - - s -

27d. hear comes the train.... there goes the train. 4 letters - - - o -

thanks in advance


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17d tough task
transfer fees

17d tough task?
(I got confused by the hypens!)
17d can't be tough, the letters I have are ?t?e? Any ideas?
Stiff task??
Steep task?
or Steep Test?
27 Toot
17d -t-f- t-s- 2words that's what I went for stiff task but could be test

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Rte 4

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