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Cryptic Clue

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bazigi | 19:55 Thu 21st Jan 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
A little birch? it's leaves fall: H_ L_


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Chit...[in the clue]?
birCH IT's
chit(small) as in a chit of a girl etc
I'm not sure where the definition is. (Or why there's an apostrophe- don't know if that's significant)
Okay thanks- I thought a chit was a little notebbill
We have had this before Danny dont know if you remember. The answer was given as Hill elsewhere and you were going to check on the Sunday ??

Try and find it
Ah just noticed you did check and it was HILL
Yes- half and hill were both equally 'good' answers but apparently HILL was the accepted answer
Yes, shill being a birch.
bazigi, ignore chit, hill is the correct answer.

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