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mra1 | 14:18 Fri 05th Feb 2016 | Crosswords
33 Answers
Could do with help with the last 4 viz
4 down King's story - what happens T?? ?C???? : 9 across Oxford's version of Shakespeare ? ?E ?E??; 13 across parking in an Indian city is somewhere a long way to the west ?E?S?? (last letter is 7th letter of 3 down) 25 across Haggard old lady's muffler turning heads? G?G?O? - looks like GIGLOT but dont get it


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What is 3 down?
Please put each clue on a separate line :)
Is 9a 3 words?
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Re separate lines - I tried tom do that but somewhoe it throws it back to a single paragraph! Sorry I meant 4 down!
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9 across is 2 words ?E and ?E?? The first questionmark belonged to the clue Extra spaces appear that I have not typed!
Can you show the number pattern of the clues please?
9 De Vere - meant to have written some of Shakespeare?
Question Author
9 across 2, 3 4 down 3, 5 - 4 Down is now T?? ?C?I?N as I now hove 13 across which is DELPHI
4d.??? action
The Action?
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24 across is one word
I'm totally confused now! My answer to 9 A fitted the letter pattern first time round, but it seemed to change later.
Nac, is The Action correct, please?
It probably is De Vere, this is a bit of a mare's nest.
Question Author
That's just fine Neveracrossword - fits in nicely with 4 down THE ACTION courtesy of Dannyk13 and Scorpiojo! Sorry for confusing everyone - comes from being totally confused with a very bolshie connection! Dare I ask for input to my query re 25 across - Haggar old lady's muffler turning heads? G?G?O?T - might be Giglot but dont get it
I've not got whatever paper this crossword's from - my De Vere was just a guess. 'The Action' sounds right to me. I have no idea where 24 A comes in!
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25 across was the last of my 4 original questions neither :))

mra1, is 25a 6 or 7 letters?

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