Guardian 26,800 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian 26,800

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mazza11 | 12:21 Thu 11th Feb 2016 | Crosswords
7 Answers
First time tried guardian crossword, so any help appreciated. 9a-a corresponding housing area that's sweet (9) a???r?a?e. 16a-song left for John Lennon, perhaps (7) a?????t. 17a-easy in gold and bronze positions, one speaking as a trier (7) e???y?r. Essayer? 6d-point made another way (5-4) ?o?t?e???. 15d-not seen in public once downed (9) ???c?a???. 26a-uof communication that's acidic (5) p?o??.
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16 Air port
17 yes
26 Ph one
9 Aspartame
9a Aspartame (sweet[ener]) - 'a' + 'same' (corresponding, houses) 'part' (area)
16a Air-port
17a Yes - Essayer (trier) - 'EaSy' (gold & bronze; 1st & 3rd) + 'sayer' (one speaking)
6d North-east - anag 'another' + 'st(reet)' (way)
15d "...publi C ONCE ALE D owned"
26a PH-one
15 Concealed in clue
Question Author
Many thanks for answers & explanations. Will get used to compiler I hope! Left 1 other clue-2d-spot not half, double the dog! (8) ?p?i?g?r. Springer maybe?
Yes - Springer - 'sp(ot)' (not half) + 'ringer' (double)
Question Author
Easy when you see the answer! Thanks Lie in King for last answer.

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