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Caribeing | 11:57 Tue 16th Feb 2016 | Crosswords
19 Answers
1 down Foresight? for sight 9 letters ?r?v?s?o? is it provision or prevision?


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pre means before so prevision
Provision - For is Pro (as in Pros and Cons) and Sight is Vision.
Oh sorry- clue also says for sight
It seems an odd clue if it is "Foresight? For sight". I'm not sure of the point of the 'foresight?' bit
Prevision | Definition of Prevision by Merriam-Webster Define prevision: foresight, prescience
But where does the rest of the clue fit in, danny?
Provision = Foresight

then parsed as per Neveracrossword
I think the setter has taken for as before = pre + sight (vision).Not a good clue IMO.
Yes, we can see the pro+vision.
I wasn't aware provision also meant foresight. I haven't found confirmation yet. Will look later
Provision is a synonym of Foresight
Emeritus, don't see anything to do with sight in that link.
Thanks emeritus. I'm still not sure.
I could be wrong Danny but I read it as

Foresight is the Definition and "for Sight" leads to Pro Vision ??
I think it's more likely to be Provision. Maybe the use of the ? indicates that the setter thinks the clue is a bit weak
Yes, I think we are just not sure that foresight is a good definition of provision, emeritus
is definition 1b here any help to clarify
Thanks Emeritus, see it now.
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Thanks for replies will go with provision.

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