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What Is 9 Across -E-----F-T

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hanifa1963 | 20:21 Fri 18th Mar 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
What is 9 across -e-----f-t


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What is the 9 across clue?

I haven't got a CLUE

3. Remember: Not everyone will have a copy of the crossword in front of them, so please write the clue EXACTLY as it appears, the number of letters required and which (if any) you already know e.g.
Excellent on-line resource for answering questions (10) A?SWE?B?NK
Question Author
what is the clue for Puzzle 9, 15 across, formation, construcvtion 11 words; 9 down, compel (11 words), and 2 down, clavicle (10). Thanks
the answers are all on he completed grid on Mamyalynne's link.
If you'd rather not see the other answers I'll look up and post the ones you want
2d: collarbone
15ac. Composition

15: Across – COMPOSITION




So, no need to post correctly after all then.
I'll get my link removed if it causes so much consternation , it's a magazine not the Brain's Trust or even worse The Listener.
I was answering the clues given at 20:33

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What Is 9 Across -E-----F-T

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