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mra1 | 16:28 Fri 01st Apr 2016 | Crosswords
24 Answers
Grr - I dont like Broteas crosswords - find it very hard to get connections - could do with some help - Balzac's translated contribution to Tristram Shandy T??, ?????, S????;
Ford's final attitude in America ???, ?A?G, ?O??
Salman's wicked parts on the edge SATANIC ?E?G?S I know the G is correct (regularly being like Weldo's women ie BIG)
after posterior like a spanker? ?S???A
Jargon from Christian seen in Felix Holt mostly ????O


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Salman's wicked parts on the edge - Satanic verges

* appears to indicate changing a letter
Balzac's translated contribution to Tristram Shandy

Struggling with this one, a tentative

The Black Sheet , referencing a black page ????
Question Author
Thank you for that you are a star - could not think what the connections were!
Ford's final attitude in America ???, ?A?G, ?O??

I have the middle word as '?O?T'

23d Being Octet

Louisa May's - Eight Cousins

Still a work in progress here

I did wonder if

25a The Last Word ??
Sorry , typo above

Ford's final attitude in America ???, ?A?G, ?O??

I have the middle word as '?A?T'
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Louisa May's cousins in a sonnet were eight if he is talking about louisa may alcott which is obviously wrong as your T would make it the last something
1 the magic skin?
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Octet makes sense - never thought of that one!
"Jargon from..."

(Rev. John) Lingo(n) - mostly, character here -,_the_Radical#Characters

^Last in list
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Thank you Lie-in King. Last post sounds reasonable Scorpiojo which would make the "spanker" clue ?S?T?A
I missed jargon from , hard to read with no clue numbers.
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The T is from the last post and the A is from the lotus eAters) Tajana's racing car joins the contest
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Just a thought - as the clue for the last post has an asterisk in front ie change a letter could it be last POSE? which would give the "e" for astern and perhaps someone could think of a suitable alternative to THE LOTUS (EATERS) which is similarly asterisked
the lotus enters
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Thank you aeronut - can anyone confirm then it is the last pose not post?
Pose works for 'attitude'

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