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mra1 | 20:39 Fri 15th Apr 2016 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Got 3/4 of this done but have now ground to a halt on the righthand side. Could use some help from the superbrains out there! For example 7 down (9) most thin yarns can tie storage boxes S?A??????; 8 down (3,3,2,6) an agent on marihuana crashed when collecting a vehicle ?U?,???,??,?A????; 12 down (6,5) Martins & Lime turned up in one and 25 across he's apparently emptied out one of Dr Fell's cases 3,6,3 THE ?O????,??? there are another couple but if I got some of the foregoing I might stand a chance of finishing it!


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7d scantiest - hidden in the clue
Question Author
Thank you very much for that one
25 the hollow man
12d: ferris wheel ??

Martins and Lime are the 2 main characters in The Third Man
8d: our man in havana
Question Author
Thanks very much everyone - I had not come across any of those books - my education has been sadly neglected!

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