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The op was a non event.Having got me in the night before they prepped me and found a bed in another ward.I was 2nd on list for aortic stent.Yesterday @6pm I was given a surgical gown and told to have a shower using surgical scrub. Came back to ward where I was shaved around op insertion site.Nil to drink from 0900hrs. At 1715 some po faced underling git was despatched from theatre to say sorry your op has been cancelled. He came out with NHS B.S. Excuse No 2. "There was an emergency op this morning that took a long time"
I was given that B.S. last time this op was cancelled on 23rd March. Truth of the matter ,as told by a charming Chinese ward sister, was that all the surgeons attended a Board of Governors Trust meeting that ran far later than the 11am Theatre start time. I was told the theatres normal knock off time was 8p.m. but I suppose the links beckoned these professors before the light failed.
Once again our NHS has let me down. In future I shall question every request from them. Like,"For what purpose do you want me to attend?" What will be the result of me attending? Can hyou guarantee a bed if I do attend again? Will someone actually be there to do the op if I attend?
A pox on the lot of them at St Georges Vascular Dept, lying gits.
Rant over