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hope3fully | 22:28 Tue 26th Apr 2016 | Crosswords
29 Answers
little intelligence 4


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I have no idea..
So let me get this straight. People come on here looking for answers to crosswords, which other people throw possibilities in response but nobody actually knows if their answer is the right one?? Am I the only human being in this room that has what is known as a productive life? I must be the only one with a job surely!
I thought crosswords were for clever people.....Seems to me that its for people who are a self contradiction
Peeler, frankly you are now being ridiculous and to a point rude.

We were given no crossers, so respectable guesses are allowed - those who have already done today's DT would know the answer - whether that is one of those answered we aren't sure unless someone confirms it.
Without the relevant paper or magazine, no letters placed, and no response from the OP, how do we know the correct answer?
Exactly Jo you are ace! and Mamy, I don't even know what DT means and I am never rude apart from when I fart in a lift
I suspect the OP was looking for suggestions, not demonstrations.
Yes, Jo is ace.

Daily Telegraph.
..but Mamya is acier (not in Chambers ;o)) than me :)

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