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I Prize Cryptic 1636

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maxidragon | 10:37 Sat 07th May 2016 | Crosswords
6 Answers
6d, Play I'm reworking in festivity set up for sporting celebration (8) I have ?L???I?D, 23a) Steer curtailed inclination to interrupt drunken man (newt) (9) No letters, sorry and 14d, Fan of the Saint's goalie, mostly shaken, cornered by non-fan(10) I have H?G?????E? AND 19a) Start of panic over film rudely describing a basin (9) I have P?L?I???M. All help appreciated, thankyou very much.
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6d olympiad
6 olympiad
23 amphibian - if it is setter curtailed etc
14 Ha giola (goalie minus e) ter
19 Pelviform
Question Author
thankyou so much! I've never heard of either pelviform or Hagiolater before!

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I Prize Cryptic 1636

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