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mra1 | 13:12 Fri 20th May 2016 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Assistance required to finish this! 3 down (7) a musical old lady turning lovey-dovey A?A?I?E (the only thing I can come up with is amabile = sweet) and 27 across (8) one who's not tried P G Wodehouse for a while ?N?E?N?E (again, all I can get is INTERNEE which is okay for not being tried but dont get the reference to PG!)


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3d Amative - 'Evita + ma (old lady)' (turning)
3d.Amative -evita(musical) + ma(old lady) all reversed
//The Germans occupied Le Touquet on 22 May 1940 and Wodehouse had to report to the authorities daily.[113] After two months of occupation the Germans interned all male enemy nationals under 60, and Wodehouse was sent to a former prison in Loos, //
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Thanks very much folks for all your help and parsing!

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