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mra1 | 10:09 Sun 05th Jun 2016 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Thanks to Mamyalynne yesterday I managed to complete (I think) later on. Just to be sure can someone confirm I have the right answers to the following -23 down Note bit of dynamite that's going up and duck (EI)D(E)R;23 ac Middle Earth knight that's Travelled by horse round about (EN)D(OR) and 3 down Childish little introduction pulled from Taxi Driver? I?K?E - cannot decide whether it should be ICKLE or ICKIE as I dont get the word play at all and am going by childish alone as with 23 down above - I just went for Duck!


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Thanks to Mamyalynne yesterday I managed to complete (I think) later on. Just to be sure can someone confirm I have the right answers to the following

-23 down Note bit of dynamite that's going up and duck (EI)D(E)R;

23 ac Middle Earth knight that's Travelled by horse round about (EN)D(OR) and

3 down Childish little introduction pulled from Taxi Driver? I?K?E - cannot decide whether it should be ICKLE or ICKIE as I dont get the word play at all and am going by childish alone as with 23 down above - I just went for Duck!
3 The Taxi Driver was Travis Bickle....(B)ickle
Endor (Middle Earth) - Rode , back round N (Knight notation in Chess)

Ickle - Bickle , character in Taxi Driver
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Thank you very much yet again!
Mra1, can you put each clue on a separate line please? :)
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I will try to do better!
Eider is right

Re + D + ie, all up.

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