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Rte 30

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scooke | 08:35 Mon 18th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
45 Answers
thanks for previous answers , a few to finish off
13a how long can one go on any scale?(4)???s
14d furthermeyoull see an advantage going down(5)??a?n
7d done by means of phone, if it means far off(4)?e?e
25a old irish judge would go by his own law(6)?r?h?n (is it archon?


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Forgive me I am a bit slow here, but can someone Please confirm if
13a is Bass and 14d Again.
also can someone help with
18a In keeping with their motto, cops never trade that initial order (7,3,5)
?r?t??? ??? ?????

Thanking you
They seem correct, Clare.

Protect and serve
.. Anag cops never trade t(hat)
Thank you,
Don't suppose anyone can tell me why there are so few post boxes in the
Republic of Ireland ? I had 9 items (mostly crosswords for Dublin and surrounding areas) to post. I am pleased to say the staff at the Irish National Stud complex said they would post with their own mail (a big thanks to them)
had a great day there and the Japanese Gardens, was roasted, 28 degrees/

Good luck

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