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Saga August

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call04 | 15:37 Sat 30th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
15 Answers
15D Silent type, but not on our approach (4) ???M and 18D Vitality's answer for one making kill (3) Z?P - either zip or zap but not sure which. TIA.


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Zap - I becomes A (answer)
oh hang on , that's wrong.
That's right, isn't it?
Yes, having rethunk
Zap-zip(vitality) with a(answer) for i(one)
15 Clam? (Clamour, approach, with the 'our' dropped).
15 Clam(our)?
Great minds...
...even more great minds.
Clam(silent type) but add(approach)our becomes noisy (clamour)
Thanks, Danny, more elegantly put than my offering.
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Thank you all for your answers and clear explanations.
You're welcome.

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Saga August

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