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Noted Partner's Shortened Mass In Case Of Absence

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Gill55 | 15:49 Mon 01st Aug 2016 | Crosswords
16 Answers
stuck on this clue from Saga cryptic August. Thanks


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Letter count please?
Tour previous post showed service, not mass,the answer given was Arne-
rn(shortened service ie Royal Navy) inside A(bsenc)e
Is that ARNEM? (arnem looks like amem to my eyes)
No, click on the link
Sorry ARNE not AME - my eyes are worse than i thought
I had dome scorpiojo couldn't tell on there either, but the parsing is ARNE- I was just pointing out that it can look like ame so upper case is better
Actual clue

14a Noted person's shortened service in case of absence (4)
Or the other way round
Hopefully, the new font will make it easier to read.
I know I'm a troublemaker but I can't see the definition- noted partner?- something to do with music?
... nor with the corrected clue as Mamyalynne has posted
Thanks. I'd been looking at a list of people with the Scandinavian forename arne
Noted person = composer
Yes- thought so (I said music)

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Noted Partner's Shortened Mass In Case Of Absence

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