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Ft 15318

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diac | 19:21 Sat 13th Aug 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
as to why 12a is tool. saw plane chopper (as in axe) are all cutting tools each with other connotations. now fleming's rosa klebb's shoe had a switchblade toe which is another tool. klebb is played by lotte and in ewers book vampire the dancer is portrayed as lotte's tool. santa rosa CA is famous for its tool library. and tool backwards is loot which is what fleming made from the bond books, not to forget the famous fleming tool co. in raleigh NC. what else could it be? See i can play too.


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What's the clue for it?
Lol 12a Tool, saw, chopper (4) for the rest....BA to diac ;o)
Sorry pixie..Saw, plane, chopper....answer Tool :)
Ah :-). Thanks...confused...xx
A change to have a simple clue.
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sorry i forgot to mention pixie is a well-known software art tool. and scorpion makes high performance tools (where n=jo). of course mikeMOO is an acoustics tool 4 cows.
I couldn't have out it better myself :o))
That is very true :-)

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Ft 15318

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