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Rte 36

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scooke | 10:05 Tue 30th Aug 2016 | Crosswords
13 Answers
19d could be marked out for having taken ship (8)e???r???
3d from the slaughterhouse shambles she emerges in turn for the little ones (5)?a???
5d constitutional....right ok but a law will be broken (9)?a?????u?
11a scotch- if youre putting it on?nonsense! (6)??b?s?


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3d.Lambs - anagram of shambles minus she
5 walkabout - anag of ok but a law
Is 11a definitely 6?
kybosh? kibosh?
Not sure why though
Maybe TOSH (rubbish) is in there somewhere
19 Embarked anag be marked
KIbosh. 1,scotch, squelch 2.Nonsense(rubbish)
Thanks for the confirmation danny. I could see the scotch bit for kibosh but didn't know the 'nonsense' meaning - and am still not clear where the 'if you're putting it on' bit fits in
See Danny's link
"put the kibosh on" is the expression
I sI I suppose it's because the expression is to put the kibosh on something
Maybe they'd accept either spelling- kybosh or kibosh. I recall seeing the spelling kybosh used in Ireland
Yes, James Joyce used that spelling in Ulysses
" ... puts the bloody kybosh on it if old sloppy eyes is mucking up the show"

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