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Sunday World Cryptic

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tommiechief | 18:40 Mon 26th Sep 2016 | Crosswords
9 Answers
10 across turner writes articles in french and english [5] --t-e, 18a davids enemy sat around in bad shape during attack [7] a------, 23a can go to change figure [7] --t-g-n, 5 down amount of beer sold in vessels [5] s---s 17d go for a leisurely walk or stagger on the street [6] -----l 19d tip over some of the groups etiquette [5] ---t,


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23. octagon (anagram can go to)
5. s ales
19. upset (hidden in the clue)
10 across turner writes articles in french and english [5] --t--
18a david's enemy sat around in bad shape during attack [7] a------
23a can go to change figure [7] --t-g-n
5d amount of beer sold in vessels [5] s---s
17d go for a leisurely walk or stagger on the street [6] -----l
19d tip over some of the groups etiquette [5] ---t
17d stroll
la the
10. lathe
SAUL in anagram of SAT

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Sunday World Cryptic

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