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crosswordfan | 23:05 Tue 27th Dec 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Scandinavian veg?(4)...??E?
Doesn't it smell to high heaven(4)...R/E/
This one's best tried out first in a prohibitive property market(9)...?E?S?T???


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This one...answered earlier, Bedsitter, anagram
Are you sure 1 is four letters? Looks like Swede to me.
3. Bedsitter -anagram
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4 letters only crosses another clue:- Fourth letter of--->

Common complaint among cavemen why they couldn't listen to their wives(5-4)...?T???D?A?

Stone deaf.
stone deaf
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That results in Scandinavian veg being N?E?
1 neep (I answered this previously)
Neep? (Swedish turnip)
BBC - Food - Swede recipes
Also known as rutabaga, or 'neeps' in Scotland, swede is a root vegetable similar to the turnip, although it is less watery in texture

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