Very late in the day, it's me as usual (a) seeking confirmation of an answer that I am not 100% sure of and (b) if it is right an explanation please.
The clue is Star consuming last of chilli tortilla rolls for a diversion.
With the letters I have, I think the answer is avocation. Is it? And,if so, what is the reasoning please?
You are all amazing! Thank you so much. And don't worry about doubting me Captain2. Tbh, it is probably the best starting point!
Once again, as soon as you ( all three) explain it, it is so obvious. So now, I am annoyed with myself for not seeing it. Still the number of clues that I don't get is going down! Your expert tuition is ( I hope) paying off.
Btw, yes we are very well Lie-in King though I am in her bad books. I didn't want to go with her on a visit to her friend who had invited us for lunch today but she insisted and then told me off for being grumpy. She is still narked.
You don't fancy a job as my second Nana do you? My Irish one is very nice but i only see her once a year usually and I don't know who the other one is so there is a vacancy.
Sorry! That last message was from me. My (VERY ancient) laptop was playing up again and so i borrowed Mr Meld's (he's SWMBO's friend you may remember) and i forgot to change the sender from him to me.
He's doing really well btw since he started in the autumn. He does the FT crossword each week. I am not sure if it's harder than the Times one but he seems very pleased with it. And I know that he gets help from this site (i suggested he use it).
So it's only one new "grandchild" Mamyalynne but i know it's not on. Pity though