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mra1 | 14:49 Fri 03rd Feb 2017 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Stuck on the last 5 viz 1 across Provoke offensive about Corbyn T???T (thought tempt or taunt but dont get the parsing) " down ...while entering Moscow's her aim primarily ??S?A (could have A or U to begin with) 8 down 1 of 3 amusing scapegoats making second a bit comical C?R?Y; 21 down Burns' lassie leaving Italy with Greek trio ?R???S and 26 across one who's take tea say hot and with crushed ice? - T?E??. I had thought thief but 15 down is DODONAEAN so that accounts for the third letter


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26a theic
Is that..Tet offensive..Vietnam War..around MP..Corbyn..Tempt
I have graces for 21d
Masha ?
M(oscow) H(er) A(im) with "as" + while inside
Question Author
thank you all very much indeed - you are simply brilliant

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