Please could you confirm the following for me. Refusal to allow part of UK to break agreement (6trs) ?e?i?l denial? Part of passport allowing entrance (6ltrs) p?r??? Portal? Old projectile making member
of clergy yell audibly (10ltrs) ???n?n???l cannonball? Last one objective in prison, after change of heart (4ltrs) g??? Goal? I can see some of the answers are hidden in the clue but not really sure.... Any help very much appreciated. Four Clubs
Refusal to allow part of UK to break agreement (6trs) ?e?i?l denial?
Part of passport allowing entrance (6ltrs) p?r??? Portal?
Old projectile making member of clergy yell audibly (10ltrs) ???n?n???l cannonball?
Last one objective in prison, after change of heart (4ltrs) g??? Goal?