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Radio Times 12 Prize Xword

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janeth46 | 10:29 Wed 15th Mar 2017 | Crosswords
10 Answers
18a bad air, as it cult always performed the same ?????l?????; 8d leaning tower of pisa eg ????e? ????d?n?; and 7a supernatural artist girl hugged by friend ?????o???? - thanks in advance!


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7a.Paranormal - ra(artist)+Norma(girl) inside pal(friend)
10:33 Wed 15th Mar 2017
8d listed building
18a ritualistic
7a.Paranormal - ra(artist)+Norma(girl) inside pal(friend)
7a paranormal
7a paranormal
or even paranormal
'air as it cult' isn't an anagram of ritualistic?
Not quite- was the closest I could find that fits. Was hoping for a typo :-)
air is it cult?

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Radio Times 12 Prize Xword

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