Does anyone else have problems with the Crossword pages since the new style was brought in? I find that the pages keep freezing or I get logged out. If I use the search facility, the whole lot just freezes after a couple of pages. If I try to just skim through page by page, it hangs after a few pages. Is there anything I can do to rectify this please?
I've been having this trouble for ages - sometimes it just freezes before I even have a chance to look at the Crossword pages! I mostly use the Crossword pages, so don't really know what happens if I were to look at the other sections. Drives me round the bend. Sometimes it's fine, on other occasions, it just freezes and I have to give up! I don't think it's my computer, everything else I use on my pc is fine!
I don't like it at all! Doesn't work well on an iPad. Also find that I have to pose a question before I can get access to other people's Q&As - is that just me???
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Like most of you, it has only happened since the new set up and 9 times out of 10 it takes me to the page but I can't scroll down to view the answer! It's very frustrating. I did send an email to the Editors Blog but haven't had a response as yet. Maybe if we all sent a message we will get an answer!!!
Thank goodness other users of this site are problems as I have. At the start I thought it was my pc, but my ipad is ok as a standby. I access this site through google and have spent the last 25 min to write this note.