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Di Mag

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glenlass | 08:05 Sat 06th May 2017 | Crosswords
12 Answers
3. One way of doing it (6) m?n???
2. Her web for an old tongue (6) h?b???? Think the answer is "Hebrew"
12. Not up above (4,5) ???? ??e?o?

I think the answer to 12 is "down below" but the fifth letter of clue 2 is the second letter of 12


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2. Hebrew
12. down below
Well/deep below?
here below???
For 12 you say 5 letters but show 6, which is it ?
Could 3 be manual?
could 3 be method?
Question Author
12 clue has 9 letters (4,5) ???? ?e?o? Sorry about confusion
I think it is 4,5, donny- glenlass has also accidentally typed an extra ? in Q2
Crossed posts.
What gave you the N in 3 please?
Question Author
Fiction Factory the "n" in clue 3 is the third letter of clue " a dean bond forsook " which I took as "abandoned"

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Di Mag

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