9. Bold page - auspicious. N ? R ? N ? Can't confirm these letters, though, because of the unusual nature of this puzzle.
24. Which may help the steersman shoot (6) ? I ? L ? R. Possibly TILLER, but can't parse if so.
Did anyone else find this rather unsatisfactory? The trick of having to put in synonyms to eight of the answers rather than the words themselves made for some interesting complexity in the middle of the solve. But then when everything begins to click into place, you are denied the usual pleasure of matching the light to the clue, since the wordplay may refer to a different answer entirely. I am left with a number of answers that I put in because they fit, but without the incentive to parse how the clue generates the necessary synonym.
Well there you have it. If you can solve all the answers, on this or any puzzle, without prompting from the crossers in the grid, you are way ahead of me!