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glenlass | 07:46 Fri 12th May 2017 | Crosswords
11 Answers
9. With practically all locks missing, many mislay the harvest quietly,Edward(5-7) c??s? ??o???d

21.Imperial measure found on a bicycle (5) ????n

Thanks for any help


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9 close cropped
07:47 Fri 12th May 2017
21 chain
9 close cropped
morning Donny XX..OO..XX..OO..
9 (many)c +lose(mislay)+ crop(harvest)+ p(quietly) + ed(Edward)
God morning Minty xxx & Donny
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Thanks donny48
Good morning to you too ,Minty XXOOXX
Good morning Danny.
God Moaning Danny ..ah shall say thees only wance !! lol xx
The french accent does it for me every time xx.
zut alors !

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