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Private Eye Eye Crossword Thursday June 8Th 2017

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AB Editor | 12:54 Thu 08th Jun 2017 | Crosswords
13 Answers
Just testing the new titles available :)


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Ed, one issue with the title builder is that some posters put the clue in the title box and then move on to complete the title builder, and they don't spot that this then overwrites the clue
Question Author
Yes, it sort of needs to be the other way round, doesn't it?
Ed - what's the "International Express"?

I suppose you could add "RTE", that gets asked quite often.
Daily Record clues are pretty common too
Have I missed something?
Margo - top of "Crosswords", clicking in "Enter Your Question Title Here" brings up the Title Builder.
Ah, I see, I didn't know it was there ! Haven't asked a crossword question for some time. Thanks your Maj.
Question Author
MargoTester - clearly you know all the answers :)

RTE? Which/what is that?

What are the crossword types for The Daily Record?
Not at all Ed, quite a lot of lucky guesses and a bit of logic!!
Daily Record - I believe (never having seen the publication) that the puzzle is a non-cryptic one -
Question Author
Cheers all.
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Ed - what's the "International Express"?

It's a paper from down under :)

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Private Eye Eye Crossword Thursday June 8Th 2017

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