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26 Letters & Spaces Crossword

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Arrowrat | 17:37 Fri 14th Jul 2017 | Crosswords
13 Answers
All 26 letters of the alphabet have to be used in 26 space grid. Has anyone every done a crossword puzzle like this before? Thanks


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Can you give us further info?
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The grid is 9 across by 8 down.
Row 1, 2 black spaces then 1 letter
Row 2, 1 black then 6 letters, rest black
Row 3, 2 black, 1 letter, 2 black, 1 letter, rest black
Row 4, 2 black, 1 letter, 1 black, 3 letters, rest black
Row 5, 3 letters, 2 black, 1 letter, 1 black, 1 letter, 1 black
Row 6, 5 black, 4 letters
Row 7, 7 black, 1 letter, 1 black
Row 8, 6 black, 3 letters
As we are new to this is there a way to add a photo which would have been a lot easier!
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Fingers crossed it works!

Thanks for the info
It worked!

Are there any clues or is it a case of fitting in the letters of the alphabet in such a way that all are used?
grid looks good, can we have some clues?
It's usually fit them in with these.
Ok, thanks mamya - never done one of these!
that's too challenging for me without clues :-)
Me too - I enjoy the alphabeticals in the grauniad but at least they have clues!
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There are no clues so this is why we have asked for help. All the letters of the alphabet have to be used in the grid just once. We appreciate any help. :)
Looks interesting! I'd start from the premise that the shared squares are where the vowels probably go as the vast majority of words need one.
'j' is unlikely to be the last letter of a word but that doesn't help me a lot

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26 Letters & Spaces Crossword

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