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mra1 | 19:37 Fri 21st Jul 2017 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Found this very hard - finally left with 7 - would much appreciate assistance please!!
5 Across Second half of Burgess novel has second papers on caliphate ????S??;
12 across For instance, wicked demon most found at out bits of underworld@s ?????E??;
18 Across Dr Jones is at home, decidedly on vacation I?D?;
4 Down Headmistress only partly as keen as Harriet in collecting riddles? N?S?;
5 down Tess and Angel Clare's perhaps, constituting a doubtfully legal one???C???R?S?;
6 down A loud 26 by a Nobel prizewinning novelist ??L??? -(some kind of speech?) and
8 down Female speaking in French not English with German abandoned ??S???D



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12 Abbasid - Abba S + ID
18. Indy? At home in d(ecidedl)y
^ oops 5
12 Asmodeus

As + anag Demo(n) + U(underworld)S
4 Nash - hidden clue and Headmistress in Emma
5 Ancestress

6 (Saul) Bellow

8 Disused
What's the answer to 26 please?
Speech act
Question Author
Your are all brilliant!!! Many thanks
NASH also name of headmistress in The Little Princess.
Ah thank you , I was going with 'Emma' as Harriet solving riddles is in there.

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