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Bubble12 | 12:43 Sun 06th Aug 2017 | Crosswords
17 Answers
Stuck on the last few!
10a how could some extraterrestrial loathe this Scottish town (5) a???a
21a Some Zulu cider is perfectly clear (5) e?c?d
23d Ravine (5)g?l?n pretty sure the letters I have are correct hence the confusion!


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Aloa (hidden in clue)
Lucid(hidden in clue)
23 ghyll
21 Lucid - hidden in clue
23d Gully
10a Alloa
nounNorthern English
noun: ghyll

a deep ravine, especially a wooded one.
a narrow mountain stream.

23d.Gulch? definition, a deep, narrow ravine,
Hopefully Bubble will let us know the answer
This was asked yesterday but with no letters, wonder if these other clues may throw light on any crossers?
Question Author
The E at the start of the Zulu question comes from the answer to - a bald canine scattered a biblical pair which I took to mean Caine and Able.
The ravine one the letters I have G from the answer to West Africans country formerly known as the Gold Coast so Ghana. The L is from the answer to quantity of drink that has a pennant attached so I thought Flagon. And then the n from might one branch off into this practice (4,7) so I put tree surgeon... Now that I think about it tree surgery would fit making gully correct.... Still stuck on 21a
Bubble, 21 a has been answered, look up ^^^
21 a has already been answered as lucid.
Cain and Abel
21 has been answered above Bubble - thanks for coming back to us
Question Author
Apologies my misspelling got the better of me - really appreciate the help

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