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Herald Cryptic

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creamegg | 08:31 Wed 09th Aug 2017 | Crosswords
34 Answers
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1a youngster has tantrum before second question, is judy here? 6,4
?????? ????

6a instrument's point going on the dot

10a tough to cut through crusty exterior

11a encouring one to perform after concert

12a engineer swears it supplies server

15a eat nuts with salt, if nothing else 2,5
?? ?????


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15 at least
15a at least
10a c hew y
11 promising
12a. waitress
1a Puppet Show
11a prom I sing
11a promising
Question Author
thanks, any idea on these?

1d picked up better shirt, a bargain

2d succeeded by a minister occupying mansion next day

3d state of midfield guy clear at training
e?y?t - egypt?

4d wise step in a reshuffle

9d breaks up lines on diamonds ones added
4 Sapient, wise - anagram.
4 sapient
4d. sapient
1. Pact - bargain, agreement. Cap = better, then reversed, add T (T-shirt).
4. Sapient
9d d is bands
2. Prevailed
2 prevailed ?
3 yes
Can you now give us any letters for 6a ?
Question Author
still no letter for 6a but, 7d tall hibs hit hearts defence ??i?? would give us a letter

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Herald Cryptic

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