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Guardian Crossword

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pega | 17:35 Mon 28th Aug 2017 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Please could you help with I 5 letter on edge of Rhine
I have I?e?e last one in grid Thanks


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(S)Iren (rhin)e
Siren is the 'seductive woman', topless = remove the 's', edge of Rhine gives 'e'. Iren e.
Aww! Well done Toorak!
Was there more to the clue?
Thanks Tilly

Yes - seductive woman topless on edge of rhine
The OP didn't give most of the clue, just the last couple of words.
There is no definition because it is a thematic clue
Seductive woman topless on edge of Rhine (5)
Thanks, Toorak.

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