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Private Eye

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Daij | 16:17 Sat 09th Sep 2017 | Crosswords
11 Answers
1a Boris’s over-hasty ejaculation, making love with legs tangled (2,7)
G? / ????T??
12a Endure less than ‘exit’ (7)
15a Dealer sticks to diddling (8)
16d The woman’s covered in blubber (Penny, that is) – too much of this? (6,3)
??E??? / ???
26a Wall to wall cover-up, maybe, in which the CIA’s an expert (9)
6/23 Sombre toll when the Klan led away (5,5)
??A?? / ????L

Thanks in advance
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6/23 death knell

Anag the klan led
26 rendering
6 Death Knell (anagram)
1 Go Whistle
16 Cherry Pie
12 Undergo, endure.
16 cherry pie

Cry (blubber) around she + p (penny) i.e. (That is)
15 Stockist, dealer - anagram of 'sticks to'.
15 stockist

Anagram sticks to
Toorak, a little typo/mistake crept in - it's Her, rather than She, in Cherry Pie.
Yes - her!
Thank you for spotting it....:-)
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Thanks to you all for your help

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Private Eye

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