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foxspur | 11:38 Sun 22nd Oct 2017 | Crosswords
7 Answers
33ac These provide fruit full of salt (7) I have SEA?ED? the second E could be wrong.
21dn Court succeeded with headphones and 3D images (2,5) I have ?T S?ANS
1ac Nick Clegg's mean thousand for Macron I have ???RE the R could be wrong
All help appreciated.


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21 ct scans
33 Sea Beds - seeds, fruit, and AB, salt/sailor.
21d.CT scans
1 Mille, thousand for Macron (ie French for 1000).
Question Author
thank you donny, danny and never. I still don't get the parse for Mille?
It's a bit iffy. MILL is fine, mill(3) in Chambers = 'rob, steal', ie 'Nick'. "Clegg's mean" is then intended to indicate the middle letter of CLEGG, ie the E. I think, though, that to use 'mean' to describe the physical centre of something is a definite stretch.
Question Author
Thank you spoffy, good parse!

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