9d, 9lets, Decorousness shown by two girls heard talking, P?????s??.
10a, Be unwilling for Jock and Jack to argue, ?a?rod.
12a, Blue Jay appearing regularly comes to meadow, ??A.
15a, Bird shows sign of injury - the tail missing, Sca???.
17d, Kids is just over eight years tops, ?o?e.
10a is tarrow - a Scots word meaning to be reluctant, so "Be unwilling for Jock", made up by tar as in a Jack Tar and row, to argue. It follows that 6d ends in a w, not a d. I have scaw - saw surrounding C for Cape, whole word meaning a headland. While we're at it, can anyone help me with 1d - River channel - it's close by the sound of it, s-y-? It could be the real river Styr or the mythological Styx, but I can't parse either.