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Crusader Crossword. 06.11.17.

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Scothern20 | 19:21 Mon 06th Nov 2017 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Express Crusader
1 across. 6 letters. Decorate notes on cards. ????C?
1 down. Domestic attire Thor relaxed in, darling. ??T?R???
2 down. Layabout is exhausted. ??A?B???
14 across. 7/5 letters. Sonnet barely composed about source of eloquence. ????N???T?N?
Thanks for any help.


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1 d Bathrobe
2d Deadbeat
14a Blarney Stone (anag sonnet barely)
Blarney Stone [anag]
blarney stone (anag)
B E + deck?
Looks good. I was looking for something DECK but couldn't get the notes

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Crusader Crossword. 06.11.17.

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