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Such Unfortunate Circumstances Should Be Put In Line We Hear

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Barmbrack | 12:24 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | Crosswords
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Straitened (correction ^
You have it I'm sure Margo.
Could be a first Mamya :-)
Margo Straighten is correct answer.
She hasn't. last letter is 'n' to fit 8d. Colonial
Well, I've heard of Straitened Circumstances but...

Which paper is this?
Daily Mail, Lynne. I can assurey ou straighten is correct (submitted)
Danny - that's the answer to 13a in DM : put in order that could turn out to be shattering, colonial being 8 down. Dieeferent clue
With respect to the setter, it's a duff clue.

Thought you did the DM Margo.
^ different
Understood Margo, thought I was losing the plot.
Margo. Which paper is this clue from?
i don't doubt that straighten is the correct answer but it doesn't fit the clue for me

Me too Mamya
sorry, a lot of crossed posts here
Apologies to both. Margo usually does the Mail and the solutions were so close.
Margo has the right answer to the clue posted in the OP - that is really all that matters.

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Such Unfortunate Circumstances Should Be Put In Line We Hear

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