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I Am Really Looking Forward To Tomorrow's Guardian Christmas Crossword.

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Tilly2 | 20:59 Fri 22nd Dec 2017 | Crosswords
41 Answers
Any bets on who the setter will be?


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It's Maskarade, Danny.
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Think I'll give it a miss and concentrate on the Literary Quiz.
....and not forgetting Where Was I? tomorrow, Tilly! Will prob be a special 'magic' one
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You'll have to give me a link, G.G, if you don't mind. However, I will not be using my laptop much for the next few days.
What paper is it in?

(Shoota grins innocuously...)
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One I don't read, Shoota.

The latest puzzle won't be posted till after midnight....
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Thank you, GG. x
I'm still soldiering on with it.....
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You have a lot more staying power than I do, Toorak. :-)
Mine's on the floor.
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...all done then, Mamya?
Just finished - though one is unsatisfactory (but it's the only letters that will fit)
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Well done, Toorak. Good luck with the entry.
I never send them in tilly - in any case, I've made a right mess of the grid :-)
Not completed yet.
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Won't take you long, Mamya.

Toorak, you should have used a pencil!
There are one or two tricky ones where the additional letter could be more than one letter - which it is only becomes clear as you complete more of the grid
I know Tilly - my pen is leaking too :-(

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I Am Really Looking Forward To Tomorrow's Guardian Christmas Crossword.

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