Why is 30a TOMS?
Young lad's theme (4) T?M?
Young lad is Tom but cannot find reference that shows Toms to be theme.
Tema is a word that means theme but does not reflect the wordplay.
I just wanted to make sure that it was thematic since:
Lie-in-king suggested earlier that it was not themed.
See below.
18a Rumtumtugger (yes, I know, it should be 3 words) - 'um' + anag 'mutt' (in) 'rugger'
30a Toms (not themed)
10d Rum-pus(s)cat (again, should be 2 words)
13d Hairnet - anag 'the rain'
Please could you help with
1a Sick tabby starts to act like kittens going gage? 8 ??b?????
5a Scrutinised creepy-crawlies consuming tip of proboscis 8
50a Discrimination quarrel 10
Thanks for help