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jean17 | 15:35 Sat 06th Jan 2018 | Crosswords
9 Answers

If 8a.(is) CAMELIA 10a(is) ENVELOP & 6d.(is) LIDO

What is 4d. (trademarks 6) -a-n-s

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Brands ??
What is the clue for 8a please?
Jean, Is 8a a flower you're looking for.
Because Camellia is spelt with 2 L's

Iam not aware of a alternative spelling. Could this be your issue ?
8a Fressia

If that is correct mamyalynne, then presumably 4d = _ R _ N _ S
and so brands should fit. Thankyou.

PS How can we delete a comment made which we later regret? Can we get Ed to remove it some way or is it not possible?
You can report it by clicking the 'report' button and add a reason - but if it's the earlier one I think the thread has gone. Sorry if I was snappy.
You could report your post and explain your reason- or you could email the Ed.
Thanks Mamyalynne and FF.
No mamyalynne, I was out of order. I tend to react first and regret it later. Incidentally I was awarded best answer by that asker before it was deleted. BUT there is another comment I made to someone who came on here just to criticise someone else, that I regret and want removed. I shall try what you say. Thanks.

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