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Its Just The Outline Youll See From A Shabby Hotel Suite. Due Too As Listed.

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Barmbrack | 01:20 Tue 30th Jan 2018 | Crosswords
7 Answers
???????t?? (10) ?????u?e? (9)


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Silouhette. Sheduled
Silhouette (anagram hotel suite)
I put the H out of order in Silhouette.
These laptops may be supersonic but my fingers aren't.
^^ + C left out in sCheduled. (or fingers faster than the laptop)
Morning Dave
Morning jj - Yes and I got it right on an earlier thread.
It was Rte 6 by Bernie 22.19.

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Its Just The Outline Youll See From A Shabby Hotel Suite. Due Too As Listed.

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