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Some Cryptic Clues

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crosswordfan | 14:35 Sun 04th Feb 2018 | Crosswords
6 Answers
1... A little embroidery is for some ,initially, more than enough (7)...S???L??
2... Instrument musicians keep close , playing rag(4,5)...B?B? ??A??
3...Moor is empty without international project(3,2)...??E UP
4...Wrongly instructed to put thin cloud over everything(9)...??S?A????
5...One proverbially fiery bire keeps journalist down(7)...??D?E??


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1 sampler
4 Mist aught
2,Baby grand
3.Tie up
3 Tie up
3 Tie up

EU in Tip (empty)


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Some Cryptic Clues

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