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stickboy52 | 09:32 Sun 29th Apr 2018 | Crosswords
6 Answers
1 across, I have O#C#P# , the only word I can think of is OCCUPY, but I cannot parse this. Any help gratefully received.


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Occupy (people/populate/occupy) = occu (R) (go on mostly)+ P (ressure) + Y (unknown)
09:34 Sun 29th Apr 2018
People go on mostly quiet and unknown.

Occu(r) P Y
Occupy (people/populate/occupy) = occu (R) (go on mostly)+ P (ressure) + Y (unknown)
^^ that was from memory! - Obviously substitute P(iano/ quiet) for P(ressure)
P = quiet (Mus)
crossed jj :-)

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