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Rte 22

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Great-Wall | 20:01 Mon 21st May 2018 | Crosswords
27 Answers
24D: ...and it's as clear as black and white that we've got 450 to square with here. (5) ?u?e?

Answer seen as Cubes, can anyone explain ?


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Just as a matter of curiosity, what's the clue/answer to whatever number preceds 24d? Intrigued by the '.......' at the start of 24d
always (an anagram)
Is there a theme?
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23D. Ay,laws, change constantly.... (6) A?w?y?. Seen as Always
I wonder if this relates to the grid squares.
That's been suggested elsewhere but still hard to compute.
Oh I C
That's 99 Dave.
V Good^^^
A very iffy, and I mean iffy LUCID
clear as black and white = Lucid
we've = U & I
450 = CDL in Roman numerals (right letters but wrong order)
^^ "to square" - put them in the correct order ?
People are reporting an 'e' at position 4.
I know - but nobody can understand cubes, therefore, the way I look at it is, that cubes is likely to be wrong and if the only reason that cubes was suggested was because the letters fit, what happens if there is an alternative answer for one of the crossers - and here, if the E is wrong.
Imcidentally 99 in Roman numerals is not IC, it is XCIX, you have to write 90 (XC) first and then 9 (IX). You can't just take 1 from 100. Similarly that is why 450 = CDL rather than LD.
Think Mamya was meaning 1 short of 100.
Be interesting to know the clue and answer which gave the E.
Doesn't matter Dave, best left.
I fully agree.

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