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galma | 21:17 Mon 04th Jun 2018 | Crosswords
11 Answers
11a !
....while the axe man’s function, seemingly, would have to reach a point of excellence (3,3) t?a - ?o?


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The top?
tip top?
What’s the previous question, galma?
... meant to add - don't know if there's a 10a
Apparently answer to 10a is 'headless'

so think it is
Tip top
Question Author
Thanks. I guessed it was top but I can’t make out the first bit. I have creation for 6d which gave me the a.
10 a was In the case of King Charles the First wasn’t it a weight of his shoulders to end up thus ...
Headless is the answer.
What's the clue for 6d?
What's the clue for 6d?
Question Author
I’ve changed 6d to eruption which gives tip top. Thanks for help
6d)"...and such an outburst would be down to a rash reaction... "(8).
The answer is "eruption".

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