Rt 24
8a eccentric bouncer follows harder (9) ???e?b???
10a even Dublin has a bone(4) ???a
11a romeo, youngste r with yen to meet assassin (10)l???k?l???
12a likewise stranded by corrupt Bohemian state (2,3,4,4)
15a came with rook, externally paid for (7) ???u?h?
22a bird to bring in, did you say? (4)
1d placing the lot in light holder requires great courage(9) ?a
3d college where girl hugs old rebel (7)
6d small boy gets over last of wet weather (5)
13d duke real strange? That's Edinburgh!(4,6) ??l?, ?r???I? ??l?,r???I?
14d mudlark to half look to rigthter of wrongs (9) ?c?v???e?