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Telegraph £500 Prize Crossword Brain Games 69

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maggieriorda | 13:46 Sun 29th Jul 2018 | Crosswords
7 Answers
I HATE! cryptic clues...
23ac eye medication stolen - sneaky move by tennis player (4-4) - r - p - H - t
28dn chap's put on sodium for divine sustenance - m - n - a


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Drop shot
drop shot
23a,Drops(eye medication)+ hot(stolen)
28d.Man(chap) + NA(sodium)
Question Author
Thank you dannyK13 and ubasses - obvious now.
Hot shot. Manna
Question Author
I haven't done crosswords for a while and recognise some "old" friends who have helped me out in the past. Can I share with you a trivia game that you download called Hq triva? It's free to play and you have to answer 12 questions and all winners share the pot. It's on at 3.00 and 9.00 pm every day (except weekends when it's at 9.00 pm only) Tonight's prize is £8000. Use my referral "torroxgirl" to sign up and I get an extra life. There doesn't seem to be a catch in joining the game.
Question Author
thank you, Rayjack

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Telegraph £500 Prize Crossword Brain Games 69

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