Elk in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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woodelf | 12:35 Tue 07th Aug 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
In the Daily Mail's crossword 15852 on Thursday 2 August, the devious compiler gave us the clue "The Spanish king's browser (3). Well, I can figure out the Spanish king, el for the and k for king, but elk?...is that a North American browser which just happens to be called an elk, other than the well-known animal?...sometimes this DM compiler can be very crafty and inconsistent and seems to spend all his/her life in the more obscure parts of the OED! Ta Frustratingly Muchly.
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An elk browses the grass.
INteresting question. I found this when googling - so not a PC browser:
Browsing versus Grazing. Browsers glean leaves, bark, and green stems from plants, while grazers clip vegetation at or near ground level. Deer, such as this white-tailed deer in the Rocky Mountains, are browsers, a distinct advantage when grasses and other ground-level vegetation are covered by deep, wet, snow.
An elk browses (grazes on plants) and is hence a browser
Elk is a herbivore. Browser is I think in the context of that type of animals feeding habit.

browsed, brows′ing
to nibble at (leaves, twigs, etc.)
to graze on
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By 'eck guys, that was quick!...of course (thumps head) I didn't think of that kind of browser - easy innit once you know - doesn't stop compiler being a crafty so and so though; who else agrees!...smile.
/// doesn't stop compiler being a crafty so and so though; who else agrees!. ///

.... as crafty as the ones who use "flower" to denote a river (as in something that flows).
Question Author
I forgot to say Very Many Thanks to You All - and I agree with you Canary about flower - there are loads of other instances too!

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